Dance Data

Exploring dancers' experience in the latin dance scene. Using Python, Power Bi, Excel, and Tableau

Demographics of Participants (N=111)

This data represents 833 years of dance experience.

Zodiac Sign and Dance Scene (N=111)

Dance Rating Data

The Dance Scene and Sports Participation

Do dancers with prior sports participation identify themselves by level at different time spans?

0-4 Years of Experience
4-8 Years of Experience
Leads with prior sports experience may advance quicker.
4-8 Years of Experience
Dance Scene with the Most Prior Sports Experience:

Bachata (56.25% Has Played a Team Sport Before)

Dance Scene with the Least Prior Sports Experience:

Argentine Tango (50.00% Has Not Played a Team Sport Before)

Dance Rating by Sports Experience

Dance Scene Trends

Majority of Salseros are interested in Bachata (41.2%) while only 10.5% of Bachateros are interested in Salsa.

On Average Follows Progress Quicker than Leads

Dance Scene and Prior Musical Instrument Experience

Exploring the correlation between playing an instrument and a dancer'sexperience in the dance scene.

Dance Scene with the Most Prior Musical Experience:

Brazilian Zouk (66.67% Has Played an Instrument Before)

Dance Scene with the Least Prior Musical Experience:

Salsa (58.33% Has Not Played an Instrument Before)

Dance Rating by Musical Experience
0-4 Years of Experience
0-4 Years of Experience

Dance Scene by Zodiac Sign

The Zodiac Signs in the Dance Scene.